Chess for Absolute Beginners by GrandMaster Priyadharshan Kannappan

Chess for absolute beginners by Grand Master

Chess Rules for Absolute Beginners Welcome to the world of chess! Whether you are a child or an adult, learning chess can be a fascinating journey filled with strategic thinking and mental stimulation. In this beginner’s guide, I, Grand Master and FIDE Trainer Priyadharshan Kannappan, Founder of Chess Gaja, a Global Online Chess Academy will […]

Theoretical and Practical aspects of Chess Improvement by a GrandMaster

Theoretical and Practical aspects of Chess Improvement by a GrandMaster

Imagine you are just starting out in chess and the World Champion teaches you chess. Will that help you become a world-class player in days or a few months? Think about it as you read this blog. Let me start with a dose of reality – Chess improvement is tough, and it takes years to […]

Which tournament section should I register for in a tournament?

Which tournament section should I register for in a tournament?

Hello! You are about to register for a U.S chess tournament and see multiple sections in the event, and you need help determining which section to register for. Go ahead and read this article to get some clarity.  I get asked the question mentioned above at the minimum twice a month by the academy student’s […]

A Great Way to Deal with Things when Playing Chess is not Joyful Anymore

A man standing in front of a chess board with the words great way to deal with things when playing chess is not joyful.

Hello, Let me start this newsletter with a question? What was your first encounter with the chessboard, and was it a positive one? As you rewind your memories, you all would have this positive, joyous feeling gushing through your mind. You would say something magical and joyful about the Chess that attracted you to the game! Do you feel the same […]