Aaryan delivered a strong performance at the Washington event.

Aryan Delivered a strong performance at the Washington Event

Pacific Northwest Chess Center conducted PNWCC Ignacio Memorial Open Tournament from September 22 -24,2023 in Redmond, Washington.

Our Chess Gaja student Aaryan participated in the tournament. He scored 4.5 points out of 7 and tied for the 4th spot in the event. His exceptional play gained victories over Vihaan (2016), Ted (1795), Herui and Odbayar(1819).

This great performance increased Aaryan’s rating from 2137 to 2147.

Well done, Aaryan! We wish you the best of luck in your future chess tournaments. Reach out to us for class details if you are looking to help your child become a chess champion like Aaryan.

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