New Chess Tournaments In Texas For June 2023

U.S. Chess Federation conducts various tournaments throughout the year. Texas Chess Gaja students can find the links for tournament details for June 2023. Weekly Sunday Swiss Tradition @ NORTH TEXAS CHESS ACADEMY Location: Carrollton, TX 75007, Texas Date: Weekly on Sunday, starting from Sunday, April 10, 2022, forever Organizer: North Texas Chess Academy Information Link: Pearl of […]
New Chess Tournaments in California For June 2023

U.S. Chess Federation conducts various tournaments throughout the year. California Chess Gaja students can find the links for tournament details for June 2023. LBX Hangar Tuesday Mini Tournament Location: Long Beach, California Date: weekly on Tuesday, starting from Tuesday, September 14, 2021, forever Organizer: John Tan Information Link: PCC LBX Hangar Sunday Action Location: Long Beach, California […]
Great Performance By Abir in Chicago Tournament

CHICAGO CHESS CENTER NFP INC CLUB conducted the CHICAGO CHESS CENTER 5TH HAYMARKET 2023 Tournament on April 29,30, 2023, in Chicago, Illinois. 2 Chess Gaja students took part in the tournament. In the open section, Abinav scored 2 out of 4 points. He gained 15 rating points, and his rating jumped from 1966 to 1981. […]
Priyansh’s Good Performance in Gambito-April 2023

SAN DIEGO CHESS CLUB conducted the GAMBITO-1012 Tournament on April 29, 2023, in San Diego, California. Chess Gaja student Priyansh participated in the Elite section and scored 2 out of 4 points. He gained 3 rating points, and his rating jumped from 2077 to 2080. Well done Priyansh! We wish you the best of luck in your future chess tournaments. Reach out […]
Rocking Performance By Anand In Washington Tournament

PACIFIC NORTHWEST CHESS CENTER conducted PNWCC_SUPER_G90__7_ROUND_OTB_- MAST on April 28-30, 2023, in Redmond, Washington. Chess Gaja student Anand participated in the 5 – premiere – 1600 section and scored 6 out of 7 points and got 1st place. He gained 17 rating points, and his rating jumped from 1716 to 1733. Well done Anand! We […]
Rakshita’s Good Performance In Calchess Girls Championship Tournament

BAY AREA CHESS conducted the 2023 CALCHESS GIRLS CHAMPIONSHIP tournament on April 29, 2023, in Milpitas, California. Chess Gaja student Rakshita participated in the K12 Championship section and scored 1.5 out of 4 points. She gained 23 rating points, and her rating jumped from 910 to 933. Well done Rakshita! We wish you the best […]
Neel’s superb performance In the King Of Chess May Tournament.

WE PLAY CHESS CLUB conducted the KINGS OF CHESS MAY 2023 Tournament on April 30, 2023, in Aurora, Colorado. Chess Gaja student Neel Yadatore participated in the K12 division section and scored 4 out of 4 points and got 1st place. He gained 71 rating points, and his rating jumped from 1130 to 1201. Well […]
Priyansh’s Good Performance in Gambito 1011

SAN DIEGO CHESS CLUB conducted the GAMBITO -1011 Tournament on April 22, 2023 in San Diego, California. Chess Gaja student Priyansh participated in the Elite section and scored 2.5 out of 4 points. He gained 20 rating points, and his rating jumped from 2057 to 2077. Well done Priyansh! We wish you the best of luck in […]
New Chess Tournaments in California For May 2023

U.S. Chess Federation conducts various tournaments throughout the year. California Chess Gaja students can find the links for tournament details for May 2023. LBX Hangar Tuesday Mini Tournament Location: Long Beach, California Date: weekly on Tuesday, starting from Tuesday, September 14, 2021, forever Organizer: John Tan Information Link: PCC LBX Hangar Sunday Action Location: Long Beach, […]
New Chess Tournaments in New York, New Jersey, and Pennsylvania – May 2023

U.S. Chess Federation conducts various tournaments throughout the year. US Chess Gaja students can find the links for tournament details for May 2023. Marshall Lichess Action – Online Location: New York, New York Date: weekly on Thursday, starting from Thursday, May 6, 2021, forever Organizer: Marshall Chess Club Information Link: MARSHALL ACTION! Location: New York, New […]