Eugene gained 50 points in 2024 Chris Greyling Open Chess Tournament (A)

A person wearing a chess-themed shirt holds a framed decoration and stands in front of a ChessSA banner at a South African Chess Championship event, highlighting the rise of online chess classes.

The South Africa Federation conducted the 2024 Chris Greyling Open Chess Tournament (A) on March 16, 2024, in Pretoria, South Africa.

Chess Gaja student Eugene did amazing at the 2024 Chris Greyling Chess Tournament (A)! He won 3 out of 4 matches and his rating went up by 50.40 points. This shows how good he is at chess and how much he’s improving. Currently, he holds a standard FIDE rating of 1703.

Well done, Eugene! We wish you the best of luck in your future chess tournaments.

Reach out to us for class details if you are looking for online chess classes in South Africa, to help your child become a chess champion like Eugene.

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