Student Results from the $1000 for the ABC Tournament!

“Vijay Wins Bronze Medal ”

3 Chess Gaja Academy students participated in the $1000 for the A B C tournament held by The Poison Pawns Chess Club in Houston, Texas, on February 5-6, 2022.

Vijay Anandh tied for first with two other players in the event scoring 3.5/4 points. Vijay was held an upset draw in Round 1 by Brandon Sustento (USCF – 1578). However, Vijay came back strong with 3 wins to tie for first in the tournament.

Vijay Anandh chess
Vijay Anandh tied for 1st place in the tournament

Anish Krishnan scored 2 out of 4 points in the tournament, playing much stronger opposition and the highlight of his performance was that he gained 31 rating points for his performance.

Anish big rating gain was because he managed to beat 1800 rated David E Mackey, which is a big win for Anish as he is only rated 1538.

Anish Krishnan chess
Anish Krishnan gained 31 rating points in the event!

The 3rd student performance from the event was by Mihika Krishnan, who had a tough tournament as she managed to score only 1/4, but we are sure that Mihika will come back stronger in her future events!

Chess Gaja is happy to see strong performances from our students from different countries. If you are a Chess Gaja student and would like your performance to be published in our blogs, please email us the tournament details and your performance to

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